新型コロナウィルスに関する教室の対応について 1

(English translation will follow after Japanese)




1) 来校直前に検温等健康状態を確認してください。


2) 風邪の症状が見られた場合は、無理をせずに自宅で休養してください。

3) 検温をして熱がある場合は、クラスを欠席してください。






As the situation changes daily, the decisions made on February 29 are as follows.

In the first week of March, we will conduct regular business while thoroughly observing hygiene at school and the physical condition of students as paying close attention to information from the government.  However, the attendance is at the discretion of the family, and make-up classes are accepted indefinitely for this time. 

In holding the class, we ask students to:

1) Please check the health condition such as temperature measurement before coming to school.

(For pre-school classes, the temperature will be measured during the class as well)

2) If you experience cold symptoms, rest at home without overdoing.

3) If you have a fever, it’s better to leave/absent the class.

(If the temperature is over 37 degrees, please take a rest. Please contact us if the average temperature is over 37 degrees.)

In schools, wash all students/staffs hands thoroughly and ask to rest at home to the staffs who have cold symptoms.

From the second week onwards, decisions will be made based on the future situation and updated on this page.

Thank you for your kind understanding and cooperation on the recent situation. We will keep an eye on the information of the headquarters and the government, and will update as soon as additional policies are determined.

First learning Osaki Gotanda


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  6. 新型コロナウィルスに関する教室の対応について 3


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