新型コロナウィルスに関する教室の対応について 3

(English translation will follow after Japanese)


1)スタッフのマスク着用・首掛け除菌カード着用⇒ お子様・保護者の皆様および、スタッフの健康と安全を考慮し、スタッフ一同マスクと首掛け除菌カードを 着用にて、応対させていただきます。 マスクを着用出来る生徒様は着用をお願い致します。

2)手洗い・消毒の強化⇒ 入室時や授業中の手洗いおよび、除菌スプレーでの手の消毒を強化して参ります。入り口付近に除菌スプレーを配置致しますので、保護者・ご家族の皆様につきましても入室の際は手の消毒をお願いいたします。


4)教室内の消毒、換気⇒ 授業開始前後の教室内の消毒および、窓を開けるなどの換気を十分に行って参ります。

5)検温のおねがい⇒ 登校当日は、ご自宅で必ず体温測定(検温)をしていただき、37°C以上の発熱や咳の症状のある場合やご家族で風邪症状等ある場合は登校はお控えください。(平熱が37度の場合はご相談ください )






First Learning Osaki Gotanda considers new coronavirus infectious diseases, and provides specific details on classes from April 1 (Wednesday) from the viewpoint of infection prevention measures. We will inform you as follows:

  1. Staff wear mask and neck disinfection card ⇒ In consideration of the health and safety of children, parents and staff, we will respond by wearing a mask and neck disinfection card for all staff. . Students who can wear a mask pls wear it.
  2. Strengthen hand washing and disinfection ⇒ We will strengthen hand washing when entering a room or during class and disinfecting hands with disinfecting spray. A disinfection spray will be placed near the entrance, so please disinfect including family members when entering the room.
  3. It will be performed with the minimum number of staff and students, so it may be difficult to respond to book make-up class during April. Please consult each time.
  4. Request for temperature measurement ⇒ On the day of attending school, be sure to measure your body temperature (measurement temperature) at home, and refrain from attending school if you have a fever or cough symptom of 37 ° C or higher or if you have a family member with a cold symptoms. . (Please contact us if the average temperature is 37 degrees)  If you are absent, please contact the school.
  5. Omission of feedback time after class ⇒ Regarding feedback after class, we will omit feedback for a while in order to avoid crowds and congestion in the room as much as possible. Therefore, we ask that parents pick you up at the end of the lesson and return home accordingly. * Please contact us by phone, e-mail, or official LINE if you have any requests or consultation.

However, in the future, if there is an infected person, a request from the government/each local government, or if we determine that the risk of infection is high, we may suspend all classes in a hurry. Or, we may reduce some services.

We understand that there are many parents and children who are concerned about various information of Corona virus and are anxious, but as a Firstlearning Osaki Gotanda / Afterschool learning Shimomaruko, we can operate as close as possible to parents and children as much as possible. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.

Firstlearning Osaki Gotanda


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  5. 新型コロナウィルスに関する教室の対応について 2

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